The Annual Diocesan Appeal: All that we have and all that we are comes from the Lord. “We are truly his handiwork,” says St. Paul in the second reading, “created in Christ Jesus to lead a life of good deeds which God prepared for us in advance. Next weekend will be our parish in-pew weekend. In the past weeks you might have received a letter from Bishop Marshall asking for your support of the annual appeal. After the homily next weekend, parishioners who have not yet pledged to the ADA will have an opportunity to join with Catholics throughout the Diocese of Alexandria to support the diocesan church.
Easter Lily Commemorations: envelopes are available at all the doors of the Church to make your Easter Lily Commemorations. The requested donation of $10 goes to offset the cost of the lilies that will decorate our altars for Easter. You may include on the envelope as many intentions you would like for the living, the dead, or to remember a life event (birthday, anniversary, etc.). All these intentions will be offered up at the Easter Octave Masses that will be celebrated by Fr. Laird during the 8 days of Easter. You can drop your envelope into any of the collections or bring it to Liz in the parish office.
St. Joseph Feast Day will be celebrated Monday, March 20, at the 8:15am School Mass. A procession to the gym to visit the St. Joseph Altar will follow.
Fr. Mark Beard Evening of Recollection: 6:00pm on Wednesday, March 22 in the church. A love offering will be collected the night of the event. The Solemnity of the Annunciation Mass will be celebrated Saturday, March 25, at 8:00am.
Knights of Columbus: Next meeting rescheduled for March 29. Palm Sunday Dinner Tickets are available at Bordelon’s Superette or from the Knights themselves. Ticket money must be turned in to the officers’ meeting at Chez Maison on Monday, March 27, at 6:15pm.